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You need to replace the refrigerant in your AC system. We can help!

Freon tank with gagesAC systems that use R22 refrigerant were made until 2010 and millions are still in operation. But R22 refrigerant is being phased out of production by 2020 because it eats the Earth’s protective ozone layer. Unless you installed a new AC system in the past 12 months, this means that you need to replace the refrigerant in any of your AC systems or equipment with a cleaner and greener alternative within the next few years.

How do you comply with this law?

You do not need to upgrade or install any new AC equipment. If you haven’t done so already, please contact us so our EPA-certified technicians can drain the current R22 refrigerant from your AC system. Then, it will need to be replaced with a cleaner, greener and non-ozone depleting alternative refrigerant.

Please contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with this important green initiative.

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